Archive for May, 2016

Old Shoes and Socks

Posted: May 27, 2016 in poetry

Now I sit and try to forecast what will be –
with many plans and promises made
but no idea how to perform each because each is a mystery
that has failed and is broken and I am expected to provide the fix.
Like mending socks and then wearing them again
in shoes of worn cracked insoles and linings
that are the cause of the holes in the toes and heels
but I continue wearing them both though the shoes are the reason for my discomfort
and I continue each night threading the needle
and sewing with thin thread made of poor cotton
patching and reasoning that I may just this time truly revive this mismatched pair –
I cannot sew fast enough because the new mysteries keep appearing
and the old promises and repairs just keep on breaking



Posted: May 25, 2016 in free verse, poem, poet, poetry
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Raw sharing
let’s quit just fooling around and share it
Just say it, ask it and do it!
Bacall style
Whistle then lay me
The earth won’t tilt
and fireworks won’t shoot into the afternoon sky
just do it and break the tension and let’s enjoy it
smile and share the bond
Moan, and … Ummmmm..
Slow now…. feel  it
I’ll watch for your eyes to roll and close and your chin to lift
and your moves, yes your moves and your hip’s shutter
Exhaust me


Building Cathedrals

Posted: May 21, 2016 in free verse, poem, poet, poetry
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They say they have built a Cathedral,
ones who have set only a few stones or glazed but a single glass.
or spent only two seasons on that which took one hundred years to build.

How many cathedrals have we built by lending just a helping hand
or spending a few moments to say an encouraging word,
To someone thought building a lessor cause.

And why is that not as grandiose ?




Pride of Finishing

Posted: May 12, 2016 in free verse, poem, poet, poetry
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You feel the satisfaction, the pride of finishing,
But no matter how much you admire what you have done,
all things will soon grow old and forgotten.
And will shed its paint and rot its wood.
The cement will crack and even the granite corner stones
will tilt and lose their strike and point.
And the carefully carved facades will fall from the
roof’s high eves.
Only the intervention of future men will scrape the peeling faded paint
and re-lay the loose bricks and heavy stones.
As they work, they will wonder who built these things
and how and why it was done this way,
how it could have been done differently or better.
And they too, will walk away if only for a few steps,
stop and turn and look with satisfaction
and pride at what they have done.
With little thought of the never resting labor of time.



Very Difficult

Posted: May 3, 2016 in poem, poet, poetry
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I really do care
I haven’t given up on it
but they make it very difficult
to keep my attention
I’m not sure of their intentions
but I do suspect
there is more behind it
that makes them be the way they are
Regardless of good or bad
they are, the way they are
I guess I don’t like it that way
I go the other way
whether good or bad
I don’t know if it is better
just different and it feels
more honorable
than the way I think they are
someday I may know
Or why not.
But I will probably,
never know.