Archive for January, 2016

Ok, how do I do it? I’ve been wide awake since 3:30AM. How do I get back to sleep?

I have never understood counting sheep. I try to think only good thoughts. But I do that all the time anyway. I may start thinking only bad thoughts, that may work. But I have enough nightmares that wake me up now. Although I don’t think that’s what woke me this morning.

Maybe I’m just not tired. But when I got up to pee, my joints and bones didn’t cooperate. I actually hobbled to the bathroom. I did not feel rested. Ok, now I remember, I woke up because I had to pee. That’s happening more and more lately. But I should be able to go back to sleep.

Damn, I wish for the old days when the only thing that woke me up was a boner.

Such is the life of John.

Things Done

Posted: January 24, 2016 in poem, poet, poetry
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I know what I should do
I know what I am going to do
I know what I will be able to do
These are all things I haven’t done
And I have done many things
All were things that I had to do
Things I was inspired to do
Things I was driven to do
Things that just needed done
I have done nothing I could not do.


Leave No Scars

Posted: January 21, 2016 in poem, poet, poetry
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Cut me deep
but leave no scars
The scars I remember
not how deep the wound.
I do not remember what you said
but I will always remember
how you made me feel.
Healed wounds are forgotten
only thought of, the scars.


The Low – High Five

Posted: January 19, 2016 in creative writing

The Universe in 25 words or less.

Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, you’ll be able to see all January 20th. 5:50AM CST, look in a diagonal line from east to west.

Thanks Dad!


(Actually you will see 6 planets at once, …… can’t forget Earth, John)

(Hey! where’s Neptune and Ur-anus!?    Hahaha!   OC )

The Warm Breath

Posted: January 15, 2016 in love, poem, poet, poetry
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Come close my love
sit beside me dear
While I caress away your fear
Press your leg close to mine
Cuddle in beneath my arm
Let me touch your silks your lace
Listen to my heart’s embrace
Look up and give our first sweet kiss
we’ve only imagined the warmth,
the love of this.
Place your hand upon my chest
to feel me breathe the breath
of our first moment
of happiness.


Now it snows

Posted: January 12, 2016 in free verse, poem, poet, poetry
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Now it snows.
The winds have blown,
the cool north weather shifts
Light snow fog breezy and mist
branches shine mercury wet
flakes rest melted on grass
roads splash and hiss
into night


In 25 words or less, …. describe the universe.

Moon-joins-Venus-finder-chart I think it is because my grandfather and father were so attuned to the seasons, the stars, planets and the weather. They both taught me what they knew of the universe at every opportunity. No, neither used the Farmer’s Almanac.

When my father and I would be fishing and night would creep up on us, as I rowed the boat back to shore, he would gaze into the sky and point out the constellations and the visible planets and comment on the phase of the moon. I knew the major constellations years before I ever saw a star chart in science class. Each change of the seasons was an event at my house, even if only just to declare its arrival. I learned to listen because the lessons were short. Each was probably only in 25 words or less.

Many nights I stayed up for or was awakened by my Dad to see an eclipse, a satellite pass over head or the northern lights. The night skies were so much clearer then. An occasional distant incandescent yard light was the only interference we ever experienced at that time. Few today know the details of the night skies due to the bright lights shining from every city, town or home. Few have really seen the true thickness of the Milky Way as we did many years ago. If you haven’t lately, travel out as far as you can into the country side, away from city lights, to truly see just how beautiful the night sky really is. The places with no man-made light interference are getting harder and harder to find. But it will be very rewarding.

It is the knowing that is so wonderful. The knowing of what direction you are traveling at night just by knowing the time, the season and locating a couple stars . The knowing of when to expect a full moon so you will be able to use the light to go fishing by or when would be the best time for a night flight. Being aware of what time to expect sunrise or evening twilight as the seasons pass is very useful. It may sound silly now but it is a oneness we can develop with the universe by learning these things. It is a factual thing. It has nothing to do with the spiritual or the mystical, it is just knowledge.

This time of year, it is very hard to look into the heavens and not wonder why or wonder who created all of this and we can easily be amazed. But how can we expect to learn or discover the spiritual meaning unless we have made an effort to understand and learn the fundamental facts that have already been discovered? Only in knowing the physical truths of our universe will we ever be able to begin to discover and understand the why or the who. At each season change, isn’t it a good time to learn and wonder this? Even if only 25 words at a time.


You want it mystical and get it bland
That’s alright, imagine it
Ask for over medium and get it easy
That’s OK, imagine it
Want your new jeans slim and 29
Must be husky and 32,
Imagine your ass looking fine
Leave the car shiny and spotless
Imagine that ding was never there
Walk down the street, shoulders back
look straight ahead
Everyone else, imagining it , too.


Well, another year begins. 2016, if this century could drive, it could get its driver’s license this year. It is at that awkward teenage time of life. Its male side is walking around with a perpetual boner and not really knowing what to do with it. And worst of all, centuries don’t have thumbs and can’t effectively do anything about it anyway. So we don’t know what kind of trouble it will be getting into compensating for either short coming. The female side of this teenage century feels like she is 21 and doesn’t understand that there are no older male centuries out there that she can relate to. She wants to move ahead and start acting like an adult, although she is not quite experienced enough to survive in it. Very frustrating century age for her to be. Tempers on both sides can flare!

As you can see, we living in this 21st century teenaged age are living in a very critical time. If either side of this 2016 age doesn’t get laid soon, we are going to be in a hell of a mess. Just look back through past century’s teenage years and it will scare the hell out of ya! Many cruel historical events happened in each century while in its teens.

So what’s it going to be, this 2016? Will our male side of the century continue blustering around overcompensating for its short dick by getting bigger guns, building for war and self-protection and pushing the downtrodden,  the poor and displaced. Or will it just calm down a bit, read some good books, learn how to drink, smoke a joint or maybe just get a magazine and grow some thumbs. Get rid of some of that testosterone. Chill for Christ’s sake! You are only 2016!

And the same for the 2016 teenage century girl side. Trust what your 20th century mother has told you. Your mind will grow into your lovely new 21st century body. The man side will soon see more in you than just sex. There is time for you to make a huge mark in the world. This will be your century. Just enjoy your youth and don’t try to grow up so fast. But learn to compete with the male and female assholes! You are only 2016!

I’m sorry I have to talk to you this way so early in the year, 2016. But it is a very critical age you are living and lots of people are depending on you. So take your old Uncle ShipSmoke’s advice, and try to play nice this year, calm down, take a breath. I’m getting old, my bones hurt and I need the rest. But try to shut the fuck up and enjoy your time here!


(Thanks DSS! , E or OC couldn’t have said this any better themselves.  John)