An Award!

Posted: August 1, 2014 in Everyday Life

I want to take just a paragraph or so to give a Shout Out to justsomethingiwasthinkingabout

I am very honored to be nominated by Sadie for the “One Lovely Blog Award”

I have been following Sadie for a few months and have enjoyed all of her timely and thought-provoking posts. Please stop by her site, check it out and give her a comment and like. Tell her ol’ DistantShipSmoke sent ya.

Someday I may fill out the seven things you may not know about me.

As a few of you know, and I don’t say it enough, I enjoy all of my follows and followers and find it amazing all of the hard work everyone puts into their blogs and the wonderful imagination and knowledge that they exhibit. My days would be much more bland if I didn’t spend a few minutes each day reading your latest creations. And a big thank you to every one of you that decide to take time from your day and spend it in my sandbox.

DSS, E and John

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